closed -loop management

closed -loop managementclosed -loop management
  1. Based on the characteristics of power facilities management , a periodic maintenance information system is studied and developed for power facilities , and a new closed loop management idea is presented .


  2. The Research of ERP Modularization and Closed Loop Management Model It was devided into three parts : business modeling platform , integrated developing platform and component library managing platform .


  3. From the view of three financial management contorl dimensions including feed-forward control , concurrent control and feed-back control , the paper constructs the innovated model of financial management based on the thought of closed loop management .


  4. The Practice and Innovation of Closed - loop Management of hidden danger in the Coal Mine


  5. Based on the business relationship between the business roles , the implementation of closed loop service management flow with feedback mechanism using prepared and customized services is discussed .


  6. Closed Loop Supply Chains Management


  7. So all kinds of enterprises focus on the integrative , accurate , real-time and closed loop capital flow management .


  8. Perfect the Closed - Loop in the Management of China 's Seafarers


  9. How to adjust the teaching quality goal by utilizing various kinds of feedback information , and how to coordinate and control various kinds of influence factor , is the practical meaning of closed loop control in quality management of adult teaching .
